Parenting: the hardest job on the planet.
With the right support,
the most rewarding experience ever.


What kind of relationship do you want to have with your child when they’re a teenager?

What are their most annoying behaviours right now? How do you typically respond to those behaviours? The answers to these questions hold a goldmine of information for you. It lets you know what to continue doing and what to shift in order to create the relationship with your child that you really want. Helping your child create a safe and trusting relationship with you is the best way you can prepare them to navigate life’s challenges well.

The type of relationship your child feels they have with you directly impacts their ability to grow and thrive in the world. So it’s important to invest in it now.


Who do you want to send out into the world?

How do you want your child to feel about themselves and the world that they are stepping into? Learn how the everyday interactions between you and your child are influencing how your child feels about themselves, their abilities and their place in the world. Know that you have the ability to respond to them in a way that sets them up for success.


What do you want your child to be capable of?

What kind of skills and values would you like to teach your child? What do they need to learn in order to reach their potential? How are they learning these from you? It’s important to get clear on the values and skills your family finds meaningful. This will be your guidepost when you question or worry about how to deal with the many challenging situations parenting brings. The quality of the relationship you create with your child influences how willing they are to learn from you and how much influence you’ll have in their life. Know that there are simple things that you can bring into each day to help ready your children for the world.


How do you want your home to feel?

How do you feel when you’re home? How does your family feel? What would you like to feel more of? Home is meant to be our safe haven. The place we come to at the end of the day to recharge and know that we are held, loved and appreciated. Learn how to create a nourishing home with your family so that each person has what they need to move through the day with peace and confidence.

I’m excited to help you bring more ease and joy into your home. I want to help you:

  • understand what your child is trying to communicate to you through their (sometimes annoying) behavior

  • see how the way you choose to deal with your child’s behaviors impacts how they respond to you

  • build tools to regulate your own emotions so that you can respond to your child (and your partner) in a way that is constructive

  • practice responding to your child with warmth and empathy, while providing clear limits and boundaries so they can learn the skills and values they need to grow and thrive

  • grow your teamwork skills so that you and your partner can make use of each other’s strengths

  • celebrate the things you and your family do well and learn to use this as fuel to bring new shifts into your home

My personal passion to raise my two boys in the healthiest, most conscious way possible and my ability to laugh or cry my way through the hard moments gives you an inner look at how to bring theoretical teachings and good intentions into daily practice. And I hope it helps remind you of the importance of dusting ourselves off when we mess up, so we can get up and try again.

Our children don’t need us to be perfect. They just need us to tap into our hearts and our willingness to repair when we drop the ball (which of course we will). Our children want to love us. They want to work with us. They want ease and joy as much as we do.

How? Learn my approach.


“Working with Georgianna was like finding gold. I have changed the way I speak to my son, to myself, to friends and family. She is the greatest example of how I want to present myself to the world, with love and care combined with a dose of healthy boundaries.”

- Alma, mother of one (and another one the way) -

“I learned so many things from Georgianna, but the thing that I am most grateful for is that she taught me to cry. She taught me it’s ok to feel sad, scared and disappointed. Now my kids know that they can come to me when they feel upset. They know their feelings are safe with me. This will forever change our lives!”

- Lillian, mother of 2 boys -